Harmonic Healing
Self-Care at its Finest!
- Frustrated with the way things are going in some parts of your life?
- Are physical symptoms continuing to interrupt your flow?
- Can’t seem to gain traction with your work or relationships?
- How do you get to where you want to be?
Just remember that you already possess all the answers within yourself. You are already whole, even though you might feel disconnected from your highest wisdom, profound knowledge, and enduring beauty. However, THE TRUTH IS that all of these aspects remain within you, never truly separated from you.
You have the power to access all of this delightfulness within you.
At Hilzinger Harmonics you will:
- Reconnect with aspects long-forgotten
- Access undiscovered dimensions of yourself
- Bring your life into balance and harmony
- Attune with the path that your soul is meant to follow
By using aspects of Biofield Tuning, Quantum Fieldwork, and Soul Realignment®, you can manifest the life you envision!
What Clients Share
Quantum Fieldwork
You will be led on a journey to connect with your higher self in the Quantum Field where you will receive answers to questions and remove any obstacles that interfere with your expansion.
Biofield Tuning
Using tuning forks, we connect to your unique vibration to help you create coherence and harmony within your biofield (aura) and body. The tuning forks act as a discovery tool, a provider of coherence, and an integrator of emotional experiences that have been frozen in time within the biofield.
Soul Realignment®
Discover your Soul Profile while exploring strengths, challenges, blocks and restrictions. Understand how your choices impact your life and examine your past life consequences within your present lifetime.
Be in Harmony with All of You
I’m excited to connect with you and share my 25+ years of experience as a Nurse Practitioner and Energy Practitioner. My journey has led me to understand that pain, whether physical or emotional, is a profound indicator of our inner state.
I’ve personally walked this path when faced with a serious medical condition. I understand what it feels like to be confused and frustrated with the circumstances in my life. I discovered that healing goes beyond the physical; it involves addressing emotions and spiritual aspects, too. Through energy healing, I learned about the interconnectedness of our emotions, thoughts, spirituality, and physical well-being.
Pain, confusion, or frustration are signals from our inner selves, urging us to seek alignment and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Whether you’re facing emotional challenges, confusion, or pain, I’m here to guide you toward harmony in your emotions, mind, body, and spirit.
Thank you for joining me on this healing journey. Remember, the power to heal and transform resides within you, and I’m here to support you every step of the way. Schedule a Free 30-minute Exploratory Session to learn more.
With warmth and healing light,

Harmonics FAQs:
There are three different types of experiences that I offer. All of these experiences provide you with the opportunity to release past patterns and programs and bring in more of your higher, expanded self, providing a unique and calming harmony within your being.
The first experience that I offer is using tuning forks to locate and harmonize dissonant frequencies in your field (your energetic space around the body) and sometimes within the body as well. With the forks’ assistance, these energies are brought back to the body to integrate and harmonize within your system.
Biofield Tuning
During a Biofield Tuning session, whether distance or in person, you will lie down fully clothed. The tuning forks are introduced to the body. During the session, I may ask you to take deep breaths, wiggle your body, or to gently reflect on what you are noticing. This could be anything from an emotion, a memory, a sensation in your body, an image, a word, or even nothing. All is good and appropriate.
Once all energies have been returned to the body, I wrap you up in a nice energetic cocoon using the tuning forks. After the session, self-care is important. Make sure you drink plenty of water, ground yourself with some outdoor time-ideally with bare feet on the ground, and even a salt bath. These actions can help you further integrate all the beautiful energy that has been returned to your system!
Quantum Fieldwork
The second experience that I offer is Quantum Fieldwork. This is a great way to receive answers to life situations or next steps from your expanded self and the universe. We connect our expanded selves in the Quantum Field, which is the field of all possibilities where the creative building blocks of everything are waiting for us to explore.
This session is ideal for a distance session as we can connect over Zoom. It is an active participation session where we are constantly checking in with each other for clues as to what needs to be released back into energy and what aspects of yourself are ready to be brought forward.
Soul Realignment®
The last experience I offer is Soul Realignment®. In this session, I take time prior to our appointment to gather information from your Akashic record. When I work in the Akashic Records, I access the personal record of all of your soul’s experiences, feelings, intentions throughout all of history and at all dimensional aspects of your being. This provides information about who you are at soul level, where your soul originated when first created, and information about any blocks and restrictions that may be in place preventing you from knowing your true self and bringing more of that into your life.
I take anywhere between 2-3 hours in preparation to gather all the information and put it into an understandable format for you. We then have our session via Zoom or in person. I take the time to relay and explain all that came up to be cleared and worked on. We will access the records during this session to begin the clearing process.
After the session, you will be given clearing homework to further solidify your healing intentions and clearing.
After the session, you will receive a recording of the session if it is a distance session via email. If the session is in person, you may record the session while here.
When we clear old patterns from our energy field and integrate new patterns, you may experience some physical or emotional symptoms. In general, it is important that you acknowledge what is coming up and then gently release it with gratitude. If physical symptoms arise, it is always recommended that you seek medical advice.
It is also important to practice self-care after the session. Make sure you drink plenty of water, ground yourself with some outdoor time-ideally with bare feet on the ground, and even a salt bath. These actions can help you further integrate all the beautiful energy that has been returned to you!
With a Soul Realignment you will receive, after the scheduled session, via email, a link to a recording of the experience. There will also be homework for you to complete. This may include watching a short video and/or reading the clearing statements that are provided. Usually, these are done for 21 days in a row. This helps to engage the subconscious mind as well as the conscious mind in the healing process.
With any of the sessions, you will also be able to schedule a 30 minute follow-up session. During this session, I can answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. We may take a closer look at any areas that need extra attention. This session should be scheduled 7-10 days after your initial experience.

The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression or illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSES OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSES OR ANY OTHER OPINIONS on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and are not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.