
Our soul’s language is vibration. Every cell in our body communicates through vibration. These vibrations are not only held in the body, but are also held in our energetic field that surrounds our bodies.
In musical terms, harmony is a combination of notes and chords that are combined to produce a pleasing sound. So, in our lives, harmony means integrating all aspects of ourselves into a pleasing and coherent life and being.
Harmonic sessions help you become aware of and align with your highest vibration so that you can create the life of your dreams and not continue repeating the same patterns of the past. I blend techniques together to offer an empowering experience which helps open the door to spiritual transformation and higher consciousness.
So why the name Hilzinger Harmonics? Well, since we are vibration — sound and light — at every level of our beings, to be harmonious means to be in alignment with our soul and highest self.
Bringing our vibrations in sync with who we are at soul level is what we are all striving for, whether that looks like the best possible work, relationship, or place to live. When we are in harmony with ourselves, we can be in harmony with all other aspects of our lives.
It all starts with knowing ourselves on a soul level.
The Universal Law of Sovereignty is the basis for my practice. This law states that each person has the full right and power of governance over themselves, without any interference from outside sources or bodies.
In other words, we are each responsible for our own Self and all that happens in our lives. To this end, I do not use, invoke, imbed, or encode my unique soul signature into my work or offerings. My job is to support you in discovering who you are at Soul level, help you bring in higher vibrational aspects of Self and clear lower vibrational aspects.
My only intention is “for your highest light and resonance”. The intentions that YOU set for each experience will connect you to your higher self and guide team. Thus, you remain a sovereign being throughout every experience.
I came to this work by a circuitous route. My formal education led me into nursing and eventually licensed as a nurse practitioner. I always knew that healing was about a lot more than just working on the physical level. This was confirmed by my own life experiences as well.
My personal healing journey began over 25 years ago when I was faced with a serious health challenge. The physical part healed within a few months. However, I was left with not feeling whole. There was something missing. This jump started my interest in healing beyond what the medical system and physical healing had to offer.
Through books, seminars, and help from a countless number of people, I began to integrate all aspects of myself: body, mind, soul, and any other part I could find. I tried many different methods from nutrition to Traditional Chinese Medicine to spiritual practices such as meditation. Many of these I still use today.
However, the system that has made the biggest and longest lasting impact is my spiritual and emotional work.
Then, once I began working in the Quantum Field and using Biofield Tuning, I was propelled into and through deep healing and release work, raising my vibration along the way.
Physical symptoms at times lessened or disappeared, the root causes of emotional troubles or belief patterns became apparent, and clearings happened with ease and grace.
It is my honor to be able to now assist others in using these methods to access their higher selves and integrate more of their Soul Presence into their lives.
Work in the Records is a vehicle for true healing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and in all dimensions of our existence. I, in effect, have raised my vibration through this work! And this is something that we all can do as well.
Other methods I use to support the work in the Akashic Records includes using tuning forks (again vibration) and some shammanic techniques.
My service work includes clearing sacred sites of stuck energy patterns, working with the ley lines and grids, and supporting groups behind the scenes who travel to these sites.
Bestselling author of Be Bold: You Were Never Meant to Fit In!
This book is a compilation of essays written by adventurers, authors, and personal development coaches that will help you to Be Bold in new and beautiful ways! It’s a great book to choose the chapters that resonate with you; over time, you’ll want to read all 16 chapters.
The chapter that I wrote, chapter seven, is titled Being a Light Hummer: A Pathway Through Emotions. I write about my journey through my own emotions, that has allowed me to open up to more of who I am. I also share a few tips for your journey, no matter where you are.
“Tuning into my emotions showed me all that wasn’t truly me and allowed me to remember the light and vibration that I am. Surrendering the veils of the known and comfortable allows so much more to shine through. How bold is that?”
In addition to My Learning below, I am a Quantum Access® Practitioner and a member of the Energy Medicine Professional Association.
Personally, my husband and I have recently moved to Sedona, Arizona (eeek!) and love it. We have two grown children, who are amazing beings in this world. Together we love to hike, eat, travel, and visit family. Individually, I love to dance around the house, read, embroider/cross stitch, and talk to the trees and water.
Quantum Fieldwork
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Biofield Tuning
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Soul Realignment®
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